Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ending DUI's - The ScooterMan Plan

My friend Mikey at Russian River once told me about London's ScooterMan: If you found yourself unable to drive your car home from a restaurant or bar, you could call the ScooterMan, who would show up with a dufflebag, drive your car home for you, and then pull a scooter out of the dufflebag and ride off into the night.

This Designated Driver idea could save dozens of lives on a local level, and thousands - even millions - of lives if implemented on a National level. With enough volunteers on a local level, this project could operate without using Tax money. Perhaps additional funding could come from fines from DUI's.

While I am traveling around Utah's 1st District during my campaign, I will be talking to people about helping organize a Designated Driver in their local area. I am not waiting to be elected to make this happen.

this locally would make a good Eagle Scout Project.
Contact me if you want to help a local Designated Driver.

all content Copyright 2010 by Erik Jorgensen