The dawning of the 21st Century has brought problems and opportunities never before seen in the history of mankind. Our children's childrens's children deserve - and depend on - something better than partisan politics-as-usual. Too many politicians today seem more concerned with their Party's interests than the needs of their voters - or the voters of the future. They bicker over Left and Right at a time when we need to concentrate on moving Forward.
We need to think outside of the box in order to solve these new problems facing our country and our planet. The Future is Now.
Petroleum is a 19th Century technology, and while a small handful of companies have enjoyed record quarterly profits again and again and again, a lot of this money is funneled away to foreign countries - some of whom use our own dollars to wage war against us. We need a home-grown solution that benefits American farmers, based on technology that benefits American scientists. Other countries are already researching this technology, and we cannot afford to lose this race. If we can send a man to the moon, then we can figure out a better way to fuel our cars.
Education is an investment in our future, especially because other countries are beginning to pass us in science and technology. While the K-12 years are important, many politicians overlook the importance of an affordable University education. College degrees lead to higher-paying jobs, which results in more money to spend on goods and services provided by other Americans. Our country cannot afford a system where only children from the wealthiest families can receive a higher education, and the rest of us are owned by the Banks.
It will take an outsider - a real Maverick - to tackle these problems; somebody not owned by lobbyists, corporations, or political parties.